1. DAY 1.
After the chicks are hatched within a day, they are given glucose for two hours. Glucose is mixed in water and given to these chicks and after that the chicks are given a vitamin mixture, for example
This is also mixed with water. The chicks should be kept in a moderately warm and clean area. After that, on the second day and onwards, the chicks should be fed.
2. DAY 7.
Chicks should be vaccinated with NEWCASTLE (KIDERI). This vaccine is mixed with clean water in a shaded area and given to the chicks for two hours, then the water is removed and poured away from an area where other chickens can reach it, or dig it up. After that, the chicks should be given water containing a vitamin mixture.
3. DAY 14. Give them the GUMBORO (IBD)
vaccine . This vaccine is also mixed in water and given to the chicks for only two hours, after which the chicks are given a vitamin mixture. Chickens that have died from this disease can be identified by combing their chests and there you will see red dots like in the picture
4. Day 21.
Repeat Newcastle (Kideri) vaccination .
5. DAY 28. Repeat the GUMBORO
IBD vaccination .
6. DAY 35 (1 month and 1 week). During this period, the chickens should be given a sufficient vitamin
mixture .
7. WEEK 6-8.
CHICKENS should be vaccinated against fowl pox. This vaccination is not easy for an inexperienced farmer to give to chickens, seek out a veterinary professional for this task or get instructions on how to administer this vaccination.
8. WEEK 8
Chickens should be given a deworming medication such as Piperazine and after that you can repeat the Newcastle vaccination.