CHICK MANAGEMENT AND SELECTION. It’s very important to know about how to buy baby chickens if you want to have healthy and productive chickens. You must have to buy high quality and healthy baby chickens to achieve the successful and wonderful goal of raising chickens. Buying good quality chicks will ensure healthy flock and your dream of collecting fresh eggs from your very own hens that you have raised from the chicks. However, here we are describing more about how to buy baby chickens. Note CHOOSE BREED. First of all…
Category: Production
Record Keeping (new) | Definition, Importance & Usage
What is ‘RecordKeeping’? Recordkeeping is a primary stage in accounting that entails keeping a record of monetary business transactions, knowing the correct picture of assets-liabilities, profits, loss, etc. In addition, it assists in maintaining control of the expenses to minimize the expenditure and have important information for legal and tax purposes. In other words, a recordkeeping system is the backbone of any company’s financial structure. To keep records is simply to collect relevant information that can help you to take good decisions and to keep track of activities, production and important events…
Milk | Definition, Types,Products Processing & Nutritional Value
Milk is an emulsion or colloid of butterfat globules within a water-based fluid that contains dissolved carbohydrates and protein aggregates with minerals. Dairy milk may be introduced at later ages if tolerated well. Although dairy milk may come from any mammal, cows, goats, buffalo, and sheep are common producers. Clean milk production Milk is highly perishable, it easily contract diseases. It has a high protein content making it a suitable medium for bacteria growth. For these reasons clean milk production practices are inevitable. It is advisable that farmers observe the following areas…
Rabbit Farming, Rearing,Production and Management
RABBIT FARMING A PROFITABLE BUSINESS : Rabbit farming is not a new enterprise in the World despite misconception by many as a non-income generating activity. However, in recent years many farmers have started to realize its potentiality as a profitable investment ADVANTAGES OF RABBIT FARMING Their feed requirement is low, especially with regard to demand for grain. Their housing and disease control managements are also low yet their meat is highly nutritious and healthier source of protein when compared with other sources of meat. Rabbits are not rodents, they are…
The following are the basic factors to consider in goat breeding. The best breeding method. 1. Raise them in the best shed. 2. Choose goats according to their characteristics and the goal of breeding (production) meat or milk. 3. They should be fed the right food according to the goat’s age. 4. Taking into account the advice of a veterinary specialist, especially the way to control these diseases is very important. 5. Keeping records of production. 6. To produce quality meat or milk that meets the needs of the market.…
Mastitis prevention control and Treatment
What is mastitis in cattle? Mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland or udder. Mastitis in dairy cows is caused by udder infections, usually resulting from bacteria introduced either during the milking process or from environmental contact. What antibiotics are used to treat mastitis in cows? The drugs considered include the more common penicillins, aminoglycosides and macrolides; oxytetracyline, chloramphenicol, trimethoprim, and several sulphonamides. The success of systemic therapy against mastitis depends to a large extent on the concentration of antibacterial drug achieved at foci of infection. What is the best treatment for mastitis in cows?Treatment approachStripping (hand milking) out the infected milk…
Best breed of dairy cows I Mshindo Media
Milk production is a very good and interesting business that has many benefits and makes the farmer satisfied especially for the one who likes this work. However, it is necessary to start by laying a solid foundation even before thinking about which type you will take for breeding. It is good to know that management is one of the most important things that if neglected can even change a dairy cow to have poor production like a local cow. Different types of dairy cows have different needs, so the level…
The history of animal breeding
There are 5 very important aspects that should be considered in animal breeding: Definitions A trait is “a distinguishing phenotypic characteristic, typically belonging to an individual”. In practice this means anything you can record or measure on an individual. A phenotype is that what you observe or measure on the animal for a certain trait. It can depend both on the genetic background of the animal (provided it is heritable) and external circumstances such as level of nutrition Heritable traits Being able to predict the success of animal breeding relies on one very important factor that we…
Milking Procedures
Consistency in management and proper milking procedures are essential for profitable dairy production. Following correct procedures can lead to increased production along with quicker milk output and quality milk. The following procedures are suggested to increase quality and production while decreasing parlor or tie-stall milking times: Clean Teats as necessary ᵃ Completely coat each teat to the base of the udder with an effective teat disinfectant Observe the foremilk by stripping milk into a strip cup (not under the cow). This is known as fore-stripping (may be done before pre-…
Broiler Chickens
What Are They And How Are They Raised? Every year billions of chickens are intensively farmed, killed, and sold to people to eat. Every one of them is an individual with a distinct personality, preferences, and thoughts. And yet, they are crowded in their tens of thousands into vast sheds, their individual needs denied. At VFC, we have made it our mission to spare the lives of these poor birds. Not only do we find creative ways to publicise the reality of chicken farming, but we also create delicious Vegan…