How Aloe Vera treats chicken diseases (new) I Mshindo media

Aloe vera is a plant that has been used to treat various human and animal diseases. This plant is now used to make soap, human and animal medicines and many other things. And because many industrial drugs fail to treat some diseases because insects have developed resistance, there is a great need to place importance on natural medicines derived from plants. Aloe vera has the ability to treat chicken diseases, especially coccidiosis and to some extent Newcastle disease. Studies have been conducted using this plant to treat coccidiosis, which can…

Animal Disease Economic,Politica and Social Impacts:Damages for Animals

INTRODUCTION DIESEASE The term diseasebroadly refers to any condition that impairs normal function, and is always associated with dysfunction of normal homeostasis. Commonly, term disease is used to refer specifically to infectious diseases, which are clinically evident diseases that result from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular organisms, and aberrant proteins known as prions. An infection that does not and will not produce clinically evident impairment of normal functioning, such as the presence of the normal bacteria and yeasts in the gut, is not…

Parvovirus Infection/Parvo (new)

Understanding Canine Parvovirus Disease You can lose your dog’s life in a short timeDogs are animals like other animals that can get various diseases that lead to death or give them life-threatening disabilities.Dogs are just like any other human who, if attacked by diseases, can become weak and lead to loss of life or recovery, but they are also animals just like other humans who, even if they suffer from some diseases, can withstand and recover completely.So today we will look at some of the diseases that affect these creatures…

BACTERIA IN POULTRY (new) I Mshindo Media

Bacteria They are parasites that are not visible to the naked eye. Many bacteria live on living or dead plants and animals.  The bacteria that cause fever are found in chickens’ bodies THROUGH their feces, mucus, food, and water.  In addition, bacteria are found in places with dirty environments (humidity and heat).  Important diseases caused by bacteria are !  Severe intestinal fever  Chicken cholera Diarrhea White stool Severe flu NB: It is a good idea to make sure you protect your chickens AGAINST bacterial diseases by cleaning the coop and…

ZOONOTIC DISEASES (new) I Mshindo Media

LIVESTOCK DISEASES (ANIMAL) DANGEROUS TO HUMAN HEALTH:  Zoonotic Diseases: Disease Transmitted from Animals to Humans. A zoonosis (zoonotic disease or zoonoses -plural) is an infectious disease that is transmitted between species from animals to humans (or from humans to animals) Many pathogens are host specific, meaning they only infect one or two species of animals, such as  Theileria parva:  only cattle and  Cowdria ruminantia : all ruminants. Other microorganisms cause disease in a large group(s) of animals including humans, such as  Salmonella sp, Escherichia coli  and  Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The following are some diseases (germs) of livestock (animals) that…


A sick animal is recognized by the following main symptoms: Behavioral changes  – A sick animal is lethargic. Some animals become aggressive, do not like to be approached, and cry incessantly. If it is a dog, it barks excessively.Behavior  – Walking erratically, preferring to lie down, lying down without getting up, limping or dragging its legs, running around aimlessly without being chased. KNOW THE SIGNS OF A SICK ANIMALBody condition  – Weakness/Weakness, Thinness: ribs, bones visible, feathers standing up or standing up.Food intake  – Decreased appetite, Not wanting to eat at all (Anorexia) Eating…

Newcastle Disease (new) I Mshindo Media

What is Newcastle disease?Newcastle disease (or some call it Mdondo) is a highly contagious avian disease that affects many species of domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks and other birds. Newcastle disease can kill your entire flock of birds if they are not vaccinated against the disease and if an outbreak occurs, it can wipe out all the chickens in your village and even neighboring villages. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate your flock ofbirds/chickens! Symptoms of Newcastle disease vary depending on: Virus type Type of bird/chicken Age and health…