What things to consider when choosing to keep animals

Introduction Emphasis on integration  Organic livestock husbandry is based on the harmonious relationship between land, plants and livestock, respect for the physiological and behavioral needs of livestock and the feeding of good-quality organically grown feedstuffs. (IFOAMs Norms for Organic Production (2012); General Principle for Animal Management, p. 42)  Integration of animals into crop producing farms is fundamental for many types of organic farms. In temperate and arid zones, animal husbandry plays an important role in the recycling of nutrients, while it is often less emphasized in the humid tropics. The caring, training, and…

ZOONOTIC DISEASES (new) I Mshindo Media

LIVESTOCK DISEASES (ANIMAL) DANGEROUS TO HUMAN HEALTH:  Zoonotic Diseases: Disease Transmitted from Animals to Humans. A zoonosis (zoonotic disease or zoonoses -plural) is an infectious disease that is transmitted between species from animals to humans (or from humans to animals) Many pathogens are host specific, meaning they only infect one or two species of animals, such as  Theileria parva:  only cattle and  Cowdria ruminantia : all ruminants. Other microorganisms cause disease in a large group(s) of animals including humans, such as  Salmonella sp, Escherichia coli  and  Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The following are some diseases (germs) of livestock (animals) that…


Poultry diseases  are illnesses that affect the health of chickens and bother many poultry farmers, especially small-scale farmers. Chickens, like other living creatures, are susceptible to various diseases. Since chickens are human livestock, it is the responsibility of the farmer to solve any problems that arise that involve the health of his livestock – chickens. This article describes some of the poultry diseases that many poultry farmers face and some ways to reduce or protect themselves from these diseases. 1.  Mdondo Disease : This disease affects chickens of any age and when it…


INTRODUCTION Before you decide to raise rabbits, make sure that you are committed and have the time to care for living animals. Raising them is not as easy as raising cats or dogs. Rabbits require care, especially in terms of hygiene, because it is easy for them to get diseases caused by poor and dirty environments.  HOUSING There are two types of hutches, the first is that which locks them inside all the time without going outside and the second is that which is semi-half-half, meaning they have hutches and can go…

Organic animal husbandry: Breeding, housing and feeding

Breeding in Organic Farming Principles and Methods Breeds are adapted to local conditions (General Principle under 5.4, Breeds and Breeding, IFOAMs Norms 2012).  Breeding animals which are strong and robust and adapted to the local conditions is a strategy which is important both for health promotion and disease prevention. Traditional breeds of farm animals may be a good starting point for organic animal breeding. Animals can be improved by selection of individuals specially adapted to their natural organic conditions. They can be crossbred with suitable new breeds, thus achieving animals with the desired positive aspects of both…

Animal health promotion, welfare and disease prevention (new)

Factors influencing animal health and wellbeing Health is a dynamic and ongoing process in all living individuals, which is coping with and responding to all the things we meet in the surrounding, which potentially could influence us. Disease causing germs, parasites and numerous stress factors are present in the lives of both humans and animals. All living organisms have an immune system which should be supported to cope with these germs. All forms of stress and pressure can disturb this.  Organic animal husbandry puts its focus on improving the living conditions…

Best Food and Feed for Dairy Cows I Mshindo media

There are many ways that farmers can make money from dairy farming. You can make money from selling manure, your calves, and most importantly, producing a lot of milk.To invest in dairy cattle, you first need to list all the costs you will face. These include: The price of a cow expecting a calf will depend on its production and milk record. Once the cow has a calf and starts milking, you start making money. For example, if your cow produces an average of 20 liters per day, you can…