Hay Making| Composition, Types, Process, Storing

Introduction Hay making is the process of turning green, perishable forage into a product that can be safely stored and easily transported without danger of spoilage, while keeping nutrient loss to a minimum. This involves reducing its moisture content from 70 – 90% to 20 – 25% or less Techniques for natural pasture, sown pasture and crops specifically cultivated for conservation at three levels of technology are considered: manual haymaking; simple mechanization with draught animal power or small tractors; and fully mechanized systems. It is, of course, possible to have…


Homa ya nguruwe (African swine fever) ni ugonjwa unaosababisha vifo vingi kwa nguruwe duniani kote. ugonjwa huu unasambaa kwa haraka sana. Dalili za ugonjwaUgonjwa huu hushambulia na kuvuruga mfumo wa mzunguko wa damu, njia ya kupitisha chakula na njia ya kupumulia. unaweza kuziona dalili zake kuanzia siku tano hadi kumi na tano. Ugonjwa ukiwa mkali sana nguruwe wanaweza kufa hata kabla ya ugonjwa kuonekana.  Dalili za haraka ni nguruwe kukosa hamu ya kula na kupata homa kali kwa bahati nzuri mfugaji wa nguruwe anaweza kugundua vifo vya ghafla kwenye nguruwe…

Nguruwe: Magonjwa Yanayoshambulia Nguruwe na Tiba Zake

Magonjwa yanayoshambulia nguruwe yana tiba pia ni mengi kama ilivyo kwa wanyama wengine yanavyotokea lakini kuna magonjwa katika ufugaji wa nguruwe lazima uyajue pamoja na tiba zake kwakua ndio yanayo jitokeza mara kwa mara ANAPHRODISIAS Pale nguruwe anaposhindwa kuingia kwenye joto.hapa nguruwe anakua haingii kwenye joto hii inaweza kusababishwa Na uzito mdogo kutokana na kuwalisha chakula kisicho tosha au kisicho na virutubisho, uzito ulio zidi, upungufu wa madini, minyoo kwenye utumbo, magonjwa sugu. LEPTOSPIROSIS Dalili ya ugonjwa huu ni homa, kuhara,kukojoa damu na kupolomosha mimba kwa hatua ya mwisho na…


Mnyama mgonjwa hutambulika kwa dalili kuu zifuatazo: Badiliko la tabia â€“ Mnyama mgonjwa hana uchangamfu. Wanyama wengine huwa wakali hawapendi kusogelewa, hulia ovyo ovyo. Kama ni mbwa hubweka kupita kiasi.Mwenendo â€“  Kutembea bila mpangilio, kupenda kulala chini, kulala chini bila kuamka, huchechemea au kuvuta miguu, kukimbia ovyo bila kufukuzwa ZIJUE DALILI ZA MNYAMA MGONJWAHali ya mwili –  Kudhoofu/Kukosa nguvu, Kukonda: mbavu, mifupa kuonekana, manyoya kunyooka au kusimama.Ulaji wa chakula –  Kupungua kwa hamu ya kula, Kutotaka kula kabisa (Anorexia) Kula vitu visivyo vya kawaida, kama mifupa, udongo, manyoya (Kuku) watoto wadogo. Kutapika mara kwa…

Pasture and Fodder Management | Production

Introduction Pasture are plants (such as grass) grown for the feeding especially of grazing animals or grass or similar plants suitable for animals such as cows and sheep to eat, or an area of land covered in this: The availability of fodder is one of the limiting factors in animal husbandry. Organic husbandry should be mainly based on the fodder produced on the farm itself. As is the case with humans, there is a direct link between the food and the health of the animals.   Food requirements of animals If farm animals are to be productive (milk, eggs, meat etc.), it is important that they get suitable food in…

Pig | Definition, Meaning, Description, Breeds,Management & Facts

Introduction Origin of pigs The pig is one of the oldest domesticated animals. It is found throughout the world especially in regions where there are no social or religious objections to pork consumption. As a young domesticated swine usually is pink or black animal with short legs and not much hair on its skin. Pigs are often kept on farms for their meat, which is called pork, ham, bacon, or gammon. The majority of the breeds we know are descended from the Eurasian Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Archeological evidence from the Middle East indicates domestication of the pig occurs as early as 9,000 years ago, with some evidence for…

Pets: Cats | Definition, Types, History, & Facts

Biology and Behaviour The cat, commonly referred to as the domestic cat or house cat, is the only domesticated species in the family Felidae. Biological classification of domestic cat Term for young: kitten  Lifespan: 12 – 18 years (Domesticated) Scientific name: Felis catus Daily sleep: 12 – 16 hours Gestation period: 65 days Collective noun: clowder, cluster, clutter, glaring, Cats may resemble one another but every cat has its very own character and behavior. This pronounced individuality is probably their most important characteristic – one that makes cats so popular among human beings. Nevertheless, given their origin and biology,…

Ufugaji wa Kuku: Ugonjwa wa Kideri / Mdondo Dalili na Kinga

Mdondo ni ugonjwa wa kuambukiza kwenye kuku na jamii zingine za ndege unaosababishwa na virus aina ya para-myxovirus. Ndege wanopata ugonjwa huu ni kuku, batamzinga, bukini, bata, kanga, kware and ndege wengine wasiofugwa na waliohifadhiwa. Dalili zake ni pamoja na kuharisha kinyesi cha kijani, mafua makali, kizunguzungu na hatimaye kifo. TEMEVAC inazalishwa kulingana na viwango vya ubora chini ya muongoza wa viwango vya ubora wa ISO 9001:2015 pamoja na viwango na miongozo ya Shirika la Afya ya Wanyama Duniani (WOAH). UGONJWA WA MDONDO/KIDERI  (NEWCASTLE DISEASE) Ugonjwa huu huathiri kuku katika…

Natural Mediacines for Chickens

 Alternative veterinary medicine include photon therapy (laser), acupuncture, homeopathy, veterinary manipulative therapy, phytotherapy, integrative nutrition, acupuncture, botanical medicine, chiropractic, homeopathy, massage therapy, and nutraceuticals. Herbal Remedies and Supplements in the Treatment and Prevention of Various Diseases of Poultry. Parts of plants can be: Leaves, Barks, Seeds, Flowers or Fruits.  Importance of using herbal remedies:  â€¢ Easily accessible.  • Easy to use.  • Cheap • They treat well if used properly  â€¢ They are harmless.  Some Herbicides:  1. Neem (Leaves, Roots, Barks):  It treats the following diseases:  â€¢ Typhoid.  • Prevention…


Kideri ni ugonjwa wa namna gani?Ugonjwa wa Kideri (ama wengine huuita Mdondo) ni ugonjwa wa ndege wenye kuambukiza kwa kasi,ambao huathiri jamii nyingi za ndege wafugwao kama kuku, kanga na ndege wengine. Ugonjwa wa Kideri unaweza kuua kundi lote la ndege uliowafuga ikiwa hawajachanjwa dhidi ya ugonjwa huo na ukitokea mlipuko wa ugonjwa huo, unaweza kuteketeza kuku wote kijijini mwako na hata vijiji vya jirani. Kwa hivyo, ni muhimu kuchanja kundi lako landege/kuku! Dalili za ugonjwa wa Kideri hutofautiana kutegemeana na: Aina ya virusi Aina ya ndege/kuku Umri na afya…

Pets: Dog | History, Domestication, Physical Traits& Breeds 

Introduction Dog, (Canis lupus familiaris), domestic mammal of the family Canidae (order Carnivora). The dog is a domesticated descendant of the wolf. Also called the domestic dog, it is derived from extinct Pleistocene wolves, and the modern wolf is the dog’s nearest living relative. The dog was the first species to be domesticated by humans. Lifespan: 10 – 13 years Domain: Eukaryota Family: Canidae Kingdom: Animalia Order: Carnivora Phylum: Chordata Dogs have been loyal companions to men for millenniums. Thanks to their extraordinary capabilities, dogs are highly appreciated and tremendously popular as helpers and as buddies. Hardly any other domestic animal…


Yaweza kutokea baadhi ya kuku wakawa watagaji wazuri wa mayai lakini hawapendi kuatamia. Katika hali hiyo ni vyema wakachaguliwa kuku (mitetea) wengine ili kuatamia mayai yao kwa uanguaji mzuri. UTARATIBU UFUATAO UTATUMIKA Tafuta mtetea aliyefikia umri wa kutaga au kuku aliyekwishawahi kutotoa. Tafuta mawe matatu ya mviringo au viazi mbatata vya ukubwa wa yai au vibao vilivyochongwa kwa umbile la yai au mayai yasiyo na mbegu (mayai viza, au ya kuku wa kisasa). Muwekee kuku huyo mayai bandia yasiyopungua matatu kwenye kiota wakati wa usiku na umfungie humo usiku kucha…


Ni ugonjwa unaowapata jamii ya ndege ambao unasababishwa na vimelea aina ya  paramyxovirus. Kuenea kwa Ugonjwa Ugonjwa wa Mdondo (Newcastle disease) huenea kupitia njia mbalimbali kama zifuatazo:-  Dalili za Mdondo/Kideri (Newcastle disease) 2. Kutoa udenda mdomoni.  3. Kukosa hamu ya kula.  4. Kuharisha kinyesi cheupe na kijani. 5. Kuhema kwa shida.  6. Kukakamaa viungo au kupooza hasa mabawa, shingo na miguu.  7. Kupunguza utagaji. 8. Vifo hutegemea kasi ya ugonjwa huweza kufikia hadi asilimia mia moja (100%).  Namna ya kudhibiti Mdondo/Kideri (Newcastle disease)