Learn about Azolla production for your livestock (new)

Azolla Production


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Azolla is a type of blue green algae that can be cultivated and thrive well in ponds, rivers, ponds and ditches that move water for a long time. Its main function is to absorb nitrogen from the air and also grow very quickly in stagnant water.
Benefits of Azolla
1. It is used to add nitrogen to the soil by using it in the production of organic fertilizer or as mulch in the field.
2. It is used as animal feed because it has a high level of protein 25%-30% used by cows, goats, chickens, pigs.
3. It increases milk production in cows by 15-20 percent.
4. It is also used as a water treatment because it can make it usable for a long time, suitable for those with irrigation ponds.
5. It helps farmers and livestock keepers reduce the cost of fertilizer and feed for their livestock.
5. It increases income/profit for livestock keepers and farmers.
AZOLLA cultivation in a small area of ​​18 square meters is 1.5 feet where you can harvest AZOLLA to feed 100 chickens every day.

1. Cow manure 27-30 kg
2. Water
3. Soil
4. AZOLLA seed (culture) 3 kg
5. Factory fertilizer (single/triple super phosphate) 90-100 grams.


1. Prepare a pond measuring 18 square meters by 1.5 feet deep
2. Fill your pond with soil to a depth of 10cm
3. Apply 27-30 kg of cow manure by spreading it over the soil
4. Apply super phosphate fertilizer by spraying it into the pond so that it spreads over the manure and soil.
5. Fill your pond with water to a depth of 10-15cm from the top of the soil, manure and manure
6. Remove the layer that will be on top after pouring water, then let the pond settle for 12-24 hours.
7. Plant your AZOLLA by pouring it into the pond (3kg).
8. Put shade over your pond to prevent direct sunlight from hitting the pond.
9. Wait to harvest after 15 days for the first time after that you will be harvesting every 2-3 days for more than a year.

1. Add 90 gm of super phosphate fertilizer every week
2. Make sure your pond does not dry out
3. Do not let the shade fall on your pond.

Thank you for reading this article, EDUCATION HAS NO END, where there are shortcomings, we should improve them so that we can reduce the cost of our livestock feed.
NOTE: Not every AZOLLA is suitable for feeding livestock, there are those that have been studied.


You can feed Azolla to your livestock in two ways.
1. You can feed it by mixing it with other foods by adding 50 kg of azolla, 25 kg of bran, and 25 kg of store-bought/home-mixed feed to get 100 kg.

2: You can feed them only Azolla Food without any other food, and this is done for chickens that are mainly raised locally.

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