Before you decide to raise rabbits, make sure that you are committed and have the time to care for living animals. Raising them is not as easy as raising cats or dogs. Rabbits require care, especially in terms of hygiene, because it is easy for them to get diseases caused by poor and dirty environments. 

There are two types of hutches, the first is that which locks them inside all the time without going outside and the second is that which is semi-half-half, meaning they have hutches and can go outside in a special courtyard. In both types, it is important to ensure that there are no gaps to allow mice to pass through because they tend to eat the baby rabbits. 
1 – Do not use a glass enclosure (aquarium) because it does not have enough air and is difficult to clean 
2 – A wire mesh floor is better but make sure there are no sharp edges that can hurt the rabbits, as the only way to get them is to heal themselves or slaughter them because if you use antibiotics, the rabbit is not able to digest them and they will end up in its body, the day you slaughter it, it will still have the medicine and even if you smell its meat, you will smell the medicine 
3 – The size of the enclosure should not be less than 4 * 2 meters for each rabbit, the larger the better 
4 – The bottom should be covered with bedding such as dry grass or wooden slats, but slats made from oil-bearing trees such as pine and eucalyptus are not suitable, put a piece of blanket or old towel for them to sleep and give birth, especially for the parents 
5 – It is important to provide them with a place to hide when they feel threatened, you can use wood, a hard box or plastic. 

1 – The entire area should be surrounded by chicken wire to prevent rats and other animals such as cats, dogs, hawks, etc. 
2 – One side should have huts, a place for food and water, and shade for the rabbits to rest 
3 – One foot below the soil should be concrete to prevent rabbits from digging and going far 
4 – The open area should be free from all toxic hazards such as pesticides or fertilizers, and the growing leaves should not be poisonous (see experts for advice or remove them all) 

Use ceramic, plastic or concrete bowls, change the water daily and clean the containers daily. 

Give them leaves, leftover kitchen vegetables after they have been analyzed, you can also give them bran or chicken feed (growers mash) in special containers as concentrates. 

Every day try to remove dirt such as spilled food, and feces that have settled on the bedding, sweep and change the bedding at least once a week, the mother rabbit’s fur should not be removed, this indicates that she is about to give birth to babies. 

Sometimes the front teeth grow too much and cause discomfort when eating, see a specialist if you notice they are too long and need to be trimmed, the main symptom is the rabbit not being able to eat for more than 12 hours 

Rabbits’ feet are not like those of other animals, their feet are covered with fur, look if you see them slipping there is a problem, check, their nails need to be trimmed if they grow too much 

Don’t carry him by his ears, they hurt a lot. Hold the skin on the back of his neck like a cat if you want to carry him. 

Give them a deworming medication like piperazine every three months, spray insecticides like Akher powder in their sheds to prevent fleas, do not give them other medications without professional advice, do not try antibiotics at all as I said at the beginning. 
After learning how to raise rabbits, some people say, rabbits cannot be eaten? But why are people in the business of selling rabbits for meat?

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