Chicken Food Ration (new) | Mshindo Media.

POULTRY NUTRITION:In order for chickens to survive, grow well, gain weight and lay many eggs, they must eat a lot of food of the required quality. The quantity and quality of chicken nutrition can be classified into food groups as follows:1. Foods that provide energy2. Foods that build the body3. Foods that strengthen bones4. Foods that protect the body5. Water.FOOD GROUPS:Foods that provide energy: The following livestock feeds are included in this group;a. Maize bran, fine rice bran, and fine wheat bran.b. Grains such as millet, maize cobs, rice bran,…


HOW TO MIX FOOD FOR LOCAL CHICKENS   IN THE FIRST TWO MONTHS. 40kg of whole grain flour such as maize or millet 27kg of millet or maize or wheat bran Sunflower or sesame seeds, or cotton or peanuts etc. 20kg Chicken bone meal or bone meal (DCP) 2.25kg Seafood or fish meal (sangara fish meal) 10kg 0.5 table salt Supplements (Broiler premix) 0.25 TOTAL = 100kgs. This mixture is for chicks from 1 day to two months old. HOW TO MIX LOCAL CHICKEN FOOD, 3 TO 4 MONTHS OLD. 25…


Hello Dear Livestock Farmers wherever you are and followers of  our website , Learn how to produce azolla for chicken feed with Mshindo media.In many areas of the country, the availability and prices of chicken feed have been a challenge, and many people have been having a hard time, making livestock farming very challenging and even postponing livestock farming. But now identify the foods that a farmer can produce in his environment for the purpose of feeding his chickens.The following are food sources that can be used to feed chickens. – AZOLA…


PART ONE We have further simplified the description and made it reflect the real environment of a Tanzanian livestock farmer. What is hydroponics? It is a method of growing plants using a mixture of mineral nutrients in water without the use of soil. This process takes 6 to 9 days to complete. One kilogram of seeds produces an average of 6 to ten kilograms of leaves and roots. Benefits of this Technology i. Pasture is produced in a short time in a small area. For example, an area of ​​4X3…


 A fish farmer can reduce the cost of buying fish food by making their own food using ingredients available in their area. Use a simple ration that will provide you with enough food at a low cost Requirements 1. 1 corn bran, sadoline. 2. 1 pumpkin pumpkin or 1 sadolin rice. 3. Fish powder 1 Sadolin . 4. One kilogram of soybeans. 5. A quarter kilo of cotton or sunflower seeds. How to prepare 1. Mix the ingredients together. 2. The saga of the zilain. 3. Kneading, such as pancake…

Learn about Azolla production for your livestock (new)

Azolla Production LEARN TO PRODUCE AZOLLA FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK You can watch the video above.…. KNOW AZOLLA Azolla is a type of blue green algae that can be cultivated and thrive well in ponds, rivers, ponds and ditches that move water for a long time. Its main function is to absorb nitrogen from the air and also grow very quickly in stagnant water.Benefits of Azolla1. It is used to add nitrogen to the soil by using it in the production of organic fertilizer or as mulch in the field.2. It…

Know about chickens for LAYERS AND BROILERS (new)

CHARACTERISTICS OF THE BEST LAYERS AND BROILERSCHICKENS Well-cared for chickens depend on the following:- Mortality during rearing 3% – 5% Mortality during laying 1% per month Age at first laying 19-20 weeks VACCINATION PROCEDURERepeat the New Castle vaccination every 3-4 months, the Marek’s vaccination is done at the Hatchery before the breeder is given chicks.NOTE : Mareks vaccination when buying chicks is difficult to know, you should consider getting chicks from recognized places.FEEDING SCHEDULEAge (Weeks) Type of food0-3 Broiler Starter4-8 Broiler FinisherDEWALT TREATMENTThis is done mostly in laying hens:First time given at 8 weeks, repeated…

Make your own chicken feed (new) I Mshindo Media

  CHICKEN FEED PRODUCTION (broilers)                                       This food will be formulated in a way that helps the chick swallow it properly and therefore should be in small granules. Even if you buy bran, it is best to run it through a machine to make it softer. Broiler starter                                                Type of food Quantity (kgs) 40 grams of whole grain flour such as corn or millet Millet or maize bran or 27 Sunflower or sesame seeds, or cotton or peanuts etc. 20 Bone meal or chicken bone meal (DCP) 2.25 Seafood or fish…


CHICKEN NUTRITION : In order for chickens to survive, grow well, gain weight and lay many eggs, they must eat a lot of food of the required quality. The quantity and quality of chicken nutrition can be classified into food groups as follows: 1. Energizing foods 2. Bodybuilding foods 3. Foods to strengthen bones 4. Foods to protect the body 5. Water. Food groups: The following livestock feeds are included in this group; a. Maize bran, fine rice bran, and fine wheat bran. b. Grains such as millet, maize bran, rice…