Poultry Vaccination Strategies (new)

In an important aspect that the breeder should not ignore is vaccination for chickens, because vaccination increases the immunity of chickens to fight the pathogens of the relevant disease before they start attacking the chickens

There are different types of vaccines that are divided into groups,

Live vaccine

these are the ones that use active parasites (*In active*) of diseases such as viruses related to diseases such as

 Newcastle Disease Vaccine,

Infectious Bronchitis vaccine,

Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine (Chanjo ya Gumboro),

Fowl Pox Vaccine.

There are some vaccines that are very rare to find,


Salmonella vaccine

Corryza vaccine

MG vaccine

 but easily you can look for *ZOETIS* or *CEVA*, and other veterinary drug companies are distributors and large sellers of veterinary vaccines.

 Things to consider, before, during and after vaccination.

 The chicken should not be sick.

The chicken should not be on a dose of medicine.

Cleanliness of vaccination equipment.

Read Expiry date and Batch number

Vaccine dose (500, 1000, 5000) do not memorize that vaccines have the same volume.

Age of chickens, match the type of vaccine.

Vaccines should follow the cold chain, i.e. they should be stored in a cold state and released only when it is used for vaccination


 Vaccination schedules vary depending on the type of chicken

 For laying hens (Layers, Hatcheries, local) their professional vaccination system and with the instructions of many vaccination guidelines

  •  The first day Marek’s Vaccine.
  •  Day 7 Newcastle Vaccine/kideri
  •  Siku ya 14 Gumboro, Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccine
  •  Day 21 Newcastle Vaccine (kideri).
  •  Siku ya 28 Gumboro, Infectious Bursal disease.

 Day 30 Fowl Pox Vaccine. Don’t ignore it even though it costs between (15000-18000).

 Repeat Newcastle Vaccine every three months.

 For broilers, *(Broilers)*

 The first system

  • Day 7 Newcastle/kideri vaccine.
  • Day 14 Gumboro
  • Day 21 Gumboro

 The second system

Day 7 Newcastle /Kideri

Siku ya 14 Gumboro/Infectious Bursal Disease

Day 21 Newcastle/Kideri


For water vaccines,

Clean water containers

Give the chickens food, and remove the water for two hours before applying the vaccine water

 Prepare vaccination water, by boiling, or applying Chlorine remover (Cevemune-Chlorex blue) for 15 minutes

 Mix the vaccine taking into account the dose of vaccine in proportion to the number of chickens.

 Give the chickens the vaccine and let the vaccine water sit for two hours, then remove it and give them unvaccinated water (you can add vitamins after giving the vaccine water).

 Vaccination bottles, remaining vaccination water should be poured/discarded away from the environment of the chicken house.

 For vaccinations that require supervision such as *Smallpox* and all *Inactive vaccine*, it should be done by a veterinarian, or under the supervision of a veterinarian.

 NB: Vaccinations are often done at an interval of 7 days, especially those of the food system to allow the body to strengthen the immunity of the relevant disease before starting to prepare again for another disease.

 Also, the rationale for repeating the second vaccination is to strengthen the immunity provided by the previous vaccination to protect the chicken for a longer period of time.


 Chickens that stay for a long time such as MAYAI, CHOTARA, KIIENJI

  1.  Day 1 vaccination Marek’s
  2. Day 7 Newcastle/Kideli vaccine
  3. On the 14th day, vaccination of the stomach
  4. Day 21 coverage of Kideli/Newcastle
  5. On the 28th day, vaccination of the stomach
  6. Day 30 smallpox vaccination

After three months deworming

Repeat the vaccine every three months


 Hawachanjwi brand

Day 7 coverage of Newcastle

On the 14th day, vaccination of the stomach

On the 21st day, the vaccine was given

Many breeders have been vaccinating so that they sell chickens within 28-30 days

 If you are going to sell the chicken after 40 days, vaccinate the mumps vaccine on the 28th day.


All waterproofing should stay within 1-2 hours… after that pour the water, clean the dishes and change the normal water

 Pay attention to the cleanliness of water and utensils before and after vaccination

If you are going to use rain water or water that you don’t believe is clean for vaccination, treat it with a pill called CEVAMUNE/Chlorex blue.

 I would like to learn that for today, I wish you good husbandry


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