The history of beef cattle farming dates back to the domestication of cattle in the Middle East and Europe over 10,000 years ago. Cattle were originally raised for their meat, milk, and labor, and they played an important role in the development of human civilization. In the Americas, cattle were first introduced by Spanish explorers in the 16th century. Today, beef cattle farming is a major industry in many parts of the world. The United States is the world’s largest producer of beef, followed by Brazil, China, and India. 

In africa, beef farming dates back to 1500BC. Beef cattle farming is a major industry in Africa, with over 200 million cattle in the continent. The top producers of beef in Africa are South Africa, Ethiopia, Sudan, Nigeria, and Tanzania.

Beef cattle are domesticated animals raised for meat production (as distinguished from dairy cattle, used for milk production). The meat of adult cattle is known as beef. There are three main stages in beef production: Cow-calf operations, Backgrounding, and Feedlot operations. When raised in a feedlot, cattle are known as feeder cattle. Many such feeder cattle are born in cow-calf operations specifically designed to produce beef calves. A mature cow consumes about 5 tons of fibrous feed (forages) per year.

Expected Yield:  A cattle will weigh between 400 – 600kgs at the age of 18-24 months. A live cattle weighing 450 kg will produce about 200kg of beef meat. You can only rear two beef cattle per acre of pasture.

Growing Season per Year:  A beef cattle is ready for slaughter when it’s 24 months old.

Nutritional Value:   Total fat 30g 46%, saturated fat 11g 55%, polysaturated 0.7g, monosaturated 13g , trans fat 1.8g , cholesterol 78mg 2%, sodium 67mg 2% , potassium 218mg 6% , protein 14g 28%, calcium 2%, vitaminB12 15%, iron 8%, vitamin B-6 15%, magnesium 3%.

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