We are Mshindo Media   from Njombe,Tanzania,We share experiences in Animal Science (AS) and project development with implementation of Livestock health care, by products trade based initiatives
We also provide variety of services in media industry including media consulting
Mshindo Media Tanzania  is running by aboard also build networks and facilitate on a broader basis in Africa
Animal Science, like other sectors of the Sciences, needs a media space in which its message can be put across. Input suppliers, service suppliers, and other role players in livestock needs a platform from where their voices can be heard by the right ears in Science.
Animal Science specializes in training and disseminating knowledge that is Mshindo Media and other partners have gained from the practical implementation of regional projects on by product trade. The program is designed to offer evidence based lessons and solutions to challenges facing regional trade especially in by products staples in the East African Community. Mshindo Media offer training via App store & Play store, Social Networks and we can be accessed around The World.