Magonjwa yanayo tibika kwa chanjo/Viral Infections (new)

Tujifunze Ugonjwa Wa Kuku Unaosababishwa Na VirusiGumboro (Ugonjwa wa Kuambukiza wa Bursar)* Ni ugonjwa unaosababishwa na virusi ambao hushambulia zaidi kuku, bata maji na bata mzinga. Kuku na bata  wadogo hadi wiki 12 ndio wanaoathirika zaidi. Jinsi Ugonjwa Unavyoenea •Chanzo cha maambukizi ni maji, chakula na vifaa/vyombo vya shambani vilivyochafuliwa na kinyesi cha kuku wagonjwa na wenye vimelea.  •Maambukizi pia huenea kupitia mfumo wa hewa, kwa vumbi lenye vimelea katika mabanda. Chukua Tahadhari Wageni, wafanyakazi na magari yanaweza kusambaza ugonjwa kutoka shamba hadi shamba au banda hadi banda.  Hii ni…


Fahamu ni aina gani ya ng’ombe wa maziwa ni bora zaidi kufuga kwa lengo la kuzalisha  Uzalishaji wa maziwa ni biashara nzuri sana na ya kuvutia ambayo huwa na faida nyingi na humfanya mfugaji kuridhika hasa kwa yule anayependa kazi hii. Hata hivyo, ni lazima kuanza kwa kuweka msingi imara hata kabla ya kufikiria ni aina gani ya mbegu utaichukua kwa ajili ya kufuga. Ni vizuri kufahamu kuwa, usimamizi ni moja ya jambo muhimu sana ambalo likifanyiwa uzembe linaweza hata kumbadilisha ng’ombe wa maziwa kuwa na uzalishaji duni kama ngo’mbe…


DAWA ZA ASILI ZA KUTIBU MAGONJWA TOFAUTI YA KUKUZipo dawa tofauti za asili zinazopatikana kirahisi kwenye mazingira ya vijijini ambazo zina uwezo wa kutibu magonjwa ya kuku. Katika mada hii taelezea baadhi ya dawa hizo. Dawa ya kutibu Homa ya Matumbo “Fowl Typhoid” ni Kitunguu swaumu Kuandaa•Chukua robo kilo ya vitunguu swaumu•toa maganda.•Kisha twanga•changanya na maji kiasi cha lita moja•chuja na kuwapa maji yake kwa muda wa juma moja.……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Jinsi shubiri mwitu (Aloe Vera) inavyotibu magonjwa ya kuku (new) I Mshindo media

Shubiri mwitu (Aloe VERA) ni mmea ambao umekuwa ukitumika kwa kutibu magonjwa mbalimbali ya binadamu na mifugo. Mmea huu unatumika sasa kutengeneza sabuni, dawa za binadamu na wanyama na mambo mengine mengi. Na kwa sababu ya madawa mengi ya kiwandani kushindwa kutibu baadhi ya magonjwa kwa sababu wadudu wametengeza ukinzani, ipo haja kubwa ya kuweka umuhimu kwenye madawa ya asili yatokanayo na mimea. Mmea wa aloe vera unauwezo wa kutibu magonjwa ya kuku hasa coccidiosis na kwa kiasi fulani Newcastle disease. Tafiti zilifanyika kwa kutumia mti huu kutibu ugonjwa coccidiosis…

Mwongozo Wa Ufugaji Bora wa Samaki Kwenye Bwawa (new)

URUTUBISHAJI WA BWAWA LA SAMAKI KWA MBOLEA NA (MAJIVU) PAMOJA NA USAFIRISHAJI WA VIFARANGA WA SAMAKI. Kutegemea aina ya udongo, majivu ya moto huweza kutawanywa bwawani kabla ya kuingiza maji ili kupunguza Tindikali ya udongo na kuua baadhi ya wadudu walio maadui wa samaki waliopo katika eneo la bwawa.Mbolea huweza kutawanywa bwawani kabla ya kuweka maji ili kusaidia kujenga mazingira ya maji kutuama (yaani Kushikamanisha udongo).Vinginevyo, mbolea huwekwa eneo maalum (Uzio) mara baada ya maji kuingizwa bwawani ili kulirutubisha na Kuliwezesha liwe na vijimea na vijidudu vidogo vidogo vitakavyokuwa chakula…

Brooding and Rearing Chicks for the Growing Chickens (new)

CHICK MANAGEMENT AND SELECTION. It’s very important to know about how to buy baby chickens if you want to have healthy and productive chickens. You must have to buy high quality and healthy baby chickens to achieve the successful and wonderful goal of raising chickens. Buying good quality chicks will ensure healthy flock and your dream of collecting fresh eggs from your very own hens that you have raised from the chicks.  However, here we are describing more about how to buy baby chickens. Note CHOOSE BREED. First of all…


 HOW TO IDENTIFY SICK CHICKEN & SEPARATE THEM. 1) LOOK INTO THE EYES. Look into the eyes of your chickens. Healthy chickens generally have aware, bright and clear eyes. Sleepy or cloudy eyes could be a sign of illness (this is known as conjunctivitis). 2) CHECK THE VENT. Healthy chickens generally have well-placed and regular looking vent. But it could be a sign of prolapsed vent or your chicken could be egg bound if your chicken has a protruding vent. 3) EXAMINE THE EXCREMENT. You should also examine the excrement…


 TOP LAYER FARMING TIPS FOR SUCCESS. Layer poultry farming is a very profitable and popular venture and it can provide a consistent source of income through egg production. It’s crucial to follow best management and practices to ensure the profitability and sustainability of your layer poultry farm. Here we are going to share some best tips which will help you achieve success in this business. Layer poultry farming focuses on raising hens primarily for the production of eggs. These birds, known as layers, are different from broilers, which are raised…

How to reduce the risk of mortality in poultry farm (new)

By definition Mortality or death rate is the proportion of a population who die of a defined cause Causes early chick mortality? There are myriads of causes of early chick mortality. However, the most common factors are: Let’s discuss all four mortality causes gradually. Genetic Causes There are around 21 lethal gene mutations in birds. Most of these lethal genes lead to chicks’ death during the incubation period. However, congenital tremors and congenital loco cause the death of chicks within a week of hatching. Management Causes Another most important cause of…

Feeding Ration for Animal Maintainance (new) I Mshindo Media

Feeding of indigenous chicken is of importance in order to increase production of meat and eggs.A lack of feed and water will reduce resistance to disease, parasites and mortality. Under a free-range chicken production system with temporarily confinement during planting season and at night, you can supply grains, by-products of grains or tubers besides the green forage and seeds they collect during scavenging.With a variety of feeds (plants and insects), requirements for minerals, trace-elements and vitamins are likely to be met.Water should be available at all times.Young chicken should be fed…

Chakula cha ng’ombe wa maziwa (new)

CHAKULA CHA NG’OMBE KUONGEZA UZALISHAJI WA MAZIWA Wape ng’ombe wako lishe kamili, yenye nguvu, protini, na vitamin pamoja na maji ya kutosha. Kulisha ng’ombe kwa kutumia aina yoyote ya malisho haitoshi kukuhakikishia ng’ombe anakuwa na afya nzuri na kutoa maziwa ya kutosha. Kama ilivyo kwa binadamu, ng’ombe anahitaji mlo kamili. Malisho ni lazima yawe na uwiano sahihi wa viungo. Mifugo inahitaji chakula kitakachowapa nguvu, protini, madini, na vitamin ili kujenga miili yao, kuzalisha maziwa, na kuzaliana. Wanyama wadogo wanahitaji virutubisho vya kutosha, ili wakuwe na kuongeza uzito. Ng’ombe wa maziwa…

Animal Disease Economic,Politica and Social Impacts:Damages for Animals

INTRODUCTION DIESEASE The term diseasebroadly refers to any condition that impairs normal function, and is always associated with dysfunction of normal homeostasis. Commonly, term disease is used to refer specifically to infectious diseases, which are clinically evident diseases that result from the presence of pathogenic microbial agents, including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, multicellular organisms, and aberrant proteins known as prions. An infection that does not and will not produce clinically evident impairment of normal functioning, such as the presence of the normal bacteria and yeasts in the gut, is not…